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I'm not a peeping Tom, I just like Binoculars

Updated: Jan 20

Hello you oversexed rug-suckers from Mars. How are you?

I want to go dress shopping with you because we're just good friends and you need my advice. You come out from behind the canvas in various frocks one after the other. I'll shake my head at them all because they're all horrible. Each one is worse than the last making me question your own initial judgement. Then, all of a sudden you appear in a frock so radiant I'm blinded by your beauty. You say "I don't know, I think it looks terrible." I respond by saying "NO, NO. You, you look. You look incredible". You blush. I smile. We then rawdog each other in the skip outside the back of big Dunnes.

We've been busy. I've just been busy taking your Auntie Deirdre out for a nice meal but slowly putting more and more salt into her beef wellington. That's not a euphemism you filthy nightjars. The reason is that so that she drinks lots of water and won't be able to sleep for more than two hours straight that evening and she'll have to constantly be up to go to the toilet. Oh the fun i have with auntie deirdre.

Enough whimsy.

I can only apologise for having to cancel the last two gigs. I have been quite ill with a touch of the black plague for the past four months and when it rears its ugly head, it puts me in a supine position for a week. We couldn't perform unfortunately.

However, I am recovered and there are big things on the horizon which means that it must be huge up close if its already big on the horizon. Think about that. And like most things on the horizon it's a large trawler. That's right. We're investing in trawlers. It's going to be called "Trawler? Don't even know her" and it's going to sink instantly. It's just an expensive way to constantly use the word "Seaman" and we will laugh every time.

As well, I can only apologise for all of our music disappearing from all platforms. I don't want to say it was Patrick's fault for not paying it but I have broken his collarbone. All will be returning over the next few days so tell your mother and father that there's no need to weep like an old onion anymore for all is well. Like Arnold Schwarzengger and unlike Henry Kissenger, they will be be back.

Update : They are back

We're currently recording a few songs that we hope to release sooner rather than later. "Lily Newton", "Fling" and "Lucy" are on the cards so there's a little smidgen for you. We're very excited for it. They should come out of the oven moist and lush.

I was also on the lovely Rosie's podcast, "La Vie En Rosie" there the other day which should be out in a few days so give that a listen. I would also recommend all the other episodes. It's a fantastic podcast giving you an insight into the various artistic subcultures of Cork. They call her "The Cork Submarine" because she goes on such a deep dive.

I'll have more to say in a few weeks before I have a few more bits and pieces to say but in the meanwhile give Mirrors' new EP a listen and have a wagon wheel while staring lustily at your local bartenders' buttocks. It's the only way to achieve enlightenment these days.

That's all from me,




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